I dont want to defend the way he handled this, Guinness brewery beer hawaiian shirt but the thought crossed my mind that due to his own language barrier, he may have misinterpreted her, too?
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So he went to the other fast food restaurant and did the same thing and had no problem there. I totally cant believe that this is how they treat their customer. Guinness brewery beer hawaiian shirt They should have treat her in a nice way. And explain it to her nicely.. Dude can barely speak English his damn self! But I digress.. all this is is typical behavior I see all the time. I’d get out that mf car and give his ass something…. the mocking he did seriously got to me. You don’t do that. why don’t she just go and complain where instead making it worse…… I think she should receive equal treatment just like any other hearing person. Oh wait it’s the law. The ADA law makes it if any business, government, schools,
or people in general don’t give equal access because of a disability that they can get sued for it. And in this case he is breaking the ADA law. Shame on you! Where is this fuck this up if I were there teach him to do his job and not be such a fucking goof people like this I deal with everyday they need a slap in the face that’s all My father was deaf. Its hard for people to understand how difficult it can be to communicate with others. It’s very frustrating for both parties. The lack of empathy and consideration to this woman is upsetting and makes me very sad. This is a lawsuit. I am glad he was fired. Well both of them are lost in translation i guess, he seems to not understand English very well too.

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