It’s a service – one provided by someone in exchange for currency. Hairstylist hair hustle american flag carbon pm 2.5 face mask That currency is earned in exchange for various forms of work. Making someone work for your “human right” without remuneration is called slavery.
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say i was wrongly accused of committing a crime i did not commit. since i have the right to freedom, that means i can tell you to be my lawyer free of charge. or since i have the right to an attorney as listed in my miranda rights, Hairstylist hair hustle american flag carbon pm 2.5 face mask that also means you provide me with legal advice for free since its a right. that sounds crazy doesn’t it? if i could not afford a lawyer,
one would be provided to me by the state but that lawyer is not working for free. state taxes paid for that lawyers time. i do not have a right to anyone else’s 3+ years of legal schooling and training. i have the right to own a firearm. that doesn’t mean i don’t have to pay for a gun. that’s the logic you’re using and it’s full of fallacies. Health care isn’t a fucking human right. Ether you can afford it or you can’t. You want it as a right go to a country that has I and pay taxes out your ass and still be broke Health care is not a right.

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