If that were my son I would love him even more for being so brave. Halloween emoji shirt At the end of the day your not god people. Your god tells you not to judge. But a lot of you are. That is up to him. So you love your children even if they are gay,transgender or not. Don’t play a role you weren’t meant to.
Halloween emoji shirt
Because when you walk through those pearly hates you also will be judged and you won’t like what you hear. Perhaps the father is feeling more of How did fell as a father to him. I don’t know but its love the of a parent that should stand stronger than any of his son life choices! Unconditional regardless of the condition of his choice dad. God bless them both! Halloween emoji shirt If I was in his fathers situation , I would be a bit shaken myself honestly . But when you get down to it that’s my baby under that makeup . That will all ways be my child . I would love my boy no matter what !

Nothing could stop me being apart of him and his daily life . No one is born wanting to do this for the hell of it . I truly believe somehow someway in the mother’s womb something goes wrong or even life experiences change is some how . No one would choose a hard life of being transgender a true transgender for the fun of it . I feel for this family . God heal there broken hearts The cheering audience is more screwed up than the boy, who’s got demons inside of him, confusing him. His Dad needs to take him to a good Christian Pastor, instead of a TV show.
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