Also Trump placed the travel ban before Europe, I am a us veteran i am a proud american flag before Italy, and while he was doing that the other politicians were calling him racists.
I am a us veteran i am a proud american flag
Nursing homes accounted for the vast majority of deaths in New York and thanks to that they make up the vast majority of deaths in this nation but, I am a us veteran i am a proud american flag yea it’s all Trump’s fault that local governments were worried about you going to church while forcing sick back into nursing homes and it’s Trump’s fault that China sat on this for nearly a month. You know if they had reacted just a week sooner scientists have proven it would have slowed the global spread by 66%. But, yep its not China’s fault for leaking this from a lab and then killing anyone who tried to warn people about the virus it’s all orange man’s fault it slowed in most countries, only in USA the number is getting higher .
Most countries are already doing clusters tes . Their number is going down. Yeah it’s his fault . If only if he took it seriously when he was told about you all wouldn’t have been in such a mess. There is no systematic control, all states have their own plans. Look at the Asian country how they handle it. Without any fuss from the people. Look at Vietnam not a single death. All their businesses is open as normal now . Look at Malaysia still under control movement. Deaths at single digit. No it didn’t leak from a lab . That’s been confirmed by your own intelligence agency. Stop watching conspiracy theory news . you are vastly mistaken on H1N1 you need to look into what that was. H1N1 is the same strain as the Spanish flu and swine flu and neither of those started here.

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