She should dare ask Chinese President that question and live to regret it I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america flag Thank you… just like the president except one difference the president
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america flag
the ‘good guys’… they were not! Did you take your meds today? Didn’t I just tell you that your projections will not work on me. Everything that you just stated is exactly what you did. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america flag The one thing I know for sure is this, never argue with a fool! Bye, Karen! Look it up if you don’t know what a “Karen” is. Did she race bait? Or was he just being racist? By all means please tell me who brought up anything about China first because in the video I seen it was Trump and as to why I mean if you came to any other conclusion than “it was because she’s Asian” then you’re in more delusion than a drug addict what a sheep. Trump is the enemy of the people. Amazing how these so called reporters can ask POTUS anything they like &
they still only focus on these nonsense gotcha type questions!! A lay person with no training in the field could ask more relevant questions than these self proclaimed “professional” journalists!! the question was not a ,” gotcha “ question! The testing should be about saving lives not about a competition! The reporter asked a valid question because Trump keeps bragging about how many tests we have done! And when is Trump going to give his condolences to the families of the people that have died? Exactly! If you can’t take it, don’t give it! It’s true what he said though ask China Government! They tried to hide it from everyone around the world millions have died and it’s beyond annoying to be asked that question when it was not your fault

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