If it was trans men and women wouldn’t do it for “fun” What’s fun about being stared at and bullied and judged every day of your life for living your life In a world full of basic witches be a maleficent 3d hoodie as the person you were supposed to be. Wouldn’t It be a hell of alot easier to blend in of course but to them they have no choice.
In a world full of basic witches be a maleficent 3d hoodie
you mean he. Just because you feel like a female doesn’t make you one. I feel like my hair should be black but is it? Nope still a ginger. I feel like I’m 60 years old does that make me 60? Don’t think so it appears that anytime you say something that doesn’t embrace “the truth” at the moment, then you’re deemed as judgmental, hateful, liars etc. The scary part is that these same people will think nothing of destroying your life because you don’t embrace their truth. In a world full of basic witches be a maleficent 3d hoodie And don’t mention God—oh that’s a no, no, no! Maybe you need to very or better still browse the web or consult your primary school teacher, let him/her treat the topic of “Authenticity” again.

I am sure you missed it back then in school, or you were one of those loose kids that hardly ever take studies serious. we need more people like you in the world. It amazes and sickens me with all of the hateful comments and strong opinions people have about someone else’s life. Being transgender is not a choice, it has never been a choice and there is clinical science supporting that. What you eat for lunch, is a choice! Being trapped in a body that doesn’t fit you is not a choice!
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