name one social program that actually works. Even politicians know Medicare isn’t a It’s witchcraft things carbon pm 2.5 face mask necessity and they “borrow” from it all the time. I don’t think the current model is great,
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reserved only for the ones who are lucky to have a job that offers insurance. Fine, you don’t want healthcare for all, what are you going to do to reduce the cost? It’s witchcraft things carbon pm 2.5 face mask Why is MRI 5000 dollars in the United States, but in Europe is maybe 300? So how is government protecting people who die from treatable diseases and illnesses, very unhealthy over-processed food, exploitation from corporations who do not pay taxes like Amazon or Google for instance? It is not false equivalence, it is an observation.
The argument is “government is terrible governing” so they cannot run healthcare, but somehow they can run the military which costs 600 billion of dollars per year, more than next 10-15 countries combined, and it is completely normal, no one questions it because everyone is brainwashed into thinking that more money thrown at this imaginary problem equals safety, but the only thing it is doing is slowly but surely destroying the US in more ways than once. What is your answer to affordable healthcare?

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