Very recently a diver was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was scooped into a humpback whale’s mouth, then promptly released. Jack skellington 3d all over printed hoodie His friends caught snap shots of the event and he was fine. Whales release birds, seals, etc as well since they have no reason or ability to swallow them.
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In short, there is a (slim) possibility that a Sperm Whale swallowing us accidentally. And if it does, 99.9999% of chance is us ending up in the digestive acids. The initial Whaling eras are full of half-cooked stories, James Bartley’s is no exception. It’s entirely possible they had a close encounter with a whale launching itself out of the water during feed time, Jack skellington 3d all over printed hoodie and simply believed they were being attacked by it… People didn’t know as much about them as we do now. It’s possible they thought they were man eating monsters hell bent on destroying their vessels.

commercial whaling began in the 1500s by the Basques in ernest although in 1000 AD -ish there is evidence that commerce was connected to whaling. Whale oil was used commercialyl for years, etc but not until the industrial revolution much, much later. The story of people being swallowed by whales are either exaggerations or rescues that assumed their shipmates had been swallowed. It is not possible for a human to fit down the whale’s throat. Whales will open their mouths and release anything too big to swallow just as you would.
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