NOBODY signs up for that and if it wouldn’t bother them it would be worrisome thanks for picking me? Jeep wrangler symbol anti-dust cotton face mask Damn! Ur kind of a dick assuming and saying things like that about a complete stranger.
Jeep wrangler symbol anti-dust cotton face mask
their sanity is dependent on a number of variables, many if which they previously implemented in “normal” circumstances, would be protective but are out the window right now… Jeep wrangler symbol anti-dust cotton face mask I work as a senior nurse, preventing burn out and compassion fatigue is a big part of the work our leadership team do without proper care and equipment it does. If you’d done a LITTLE bit of research you’d know that this virus is so potent to people because…. and read this slowly…. HUMANS DO NOT PRODUCE NATURAL ANTIBODIES TO THIS VIRUS. Meaning. while our bodies can fight off a lot. like the common cold, the flu, a multitude of other things. It CAN NOT fight off covid-19.
Your immune system has NO natural defenses against it. Now sure, is someone who catches it gonna die if they get sent home? probably not, but not having an immunity defense to it means it cannot be built upon. If you catch it, and are able to live through it, you CAN STILL RE CATCH IT. Without ANY form of diminishing return. as in it’ll hit you as hard as it did the first time, the 2nd, 3rd and so forth. Again, the choices these doctors are making is whether people LIVE OR DIE. Being sent home without any form of help…. usually doesn’t mean you were chosen to live. huge difference between helping to save someone’s life and deciding that this one we save and that one we dont.its like holding 2 ropes and you have to choose who you let fall to their death and who you pull up the cliff cause you dont choose both die.
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