Our Lady of Lourdes prayer. if Adam were truly made in gods image Land rover symbol anti-dust cotton face mask he would have been able to resist the temptation he couldn’t so did god make him weak
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image of god or god erred in his creating and if he had done a better job of creating us he wouldn’t have needled to have his son tortured to death to save us there would have been Land rover symbol anti-dust cotton face mask no need to save us because being like god we’d be without flaw or sin so either we’re not in his image or he isn’t so perfect Sadly – nothing to do with God – Trump puppets were encouraged to liberate certain states (that he wants to win) & many are likely to become infected & further spread Covid-19. get on your knees and repent, you will be glad you did. Read Revelations and you will know why this is happening. God is still in control. Jesus is coming soon. My advice is to be sure you are healthy.
A GOOD supplement is a must. Best of nature and the best of science. Nurses and doctors are angels in health care along with others on front lines. Actually God gave us paradise and we, humans, messed it up. We are responsible, not God. God forgive us and give us your mercy. Amen does not need to look for people to ruin. People are already to follow his bidding. Wickedness is everywhere. People want change but Satin blinds them so they are confused and look in the wrong direction. Follow those who are sharing truth and beauty, the antidote. Enough said. My God: I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love you. I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love you.

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