We have been staying home and do take it seriously. I hope everyone else does too. Led zeppelin rock band jigsaw puzzle you are the best , keep doing what you are doing for as long as you can .
Led zeppelin rock band jigsaw puzzle
People need to realize the seriousness of the situation. STAY AT HOME. Even if you have to go out, WEAR a protective gear that covers you mouth. WASH your hands. Led zeppelin rock band jigsaw puzzle THE disease spreads not only through droplets but also through contacting contaminated surfaces. Do not underestimate the disease. Stay strong, my friend. You and your colleagues all around the world are doing an amazing job under the most terrifying circumstances, and I salute you. We WILL get though this. Does not appear to have done a 12 hour shift. You are looking at being up for over 14 hours at this time, mental exhaustion. Looks more like an actress. Ventilators do not work. People go on ventilators, they are being killed.
They need to use alternative treatment that is actually working. A lot less stressful. Do your research with an open mind. Hospitals are being closed due to lack of patients. People open your eyes and stop listening to the repeated lies you are being told. Vaccines are not the answer for this. you are wonderfull , you go to work do your shift and try your hardest to help people . The laws need changing to make these people stay at home , they are , as you say risking their own lives and other people’s . Obviously the warnings have not got to them and they are not alarmed enough to do the right thing . they need to go in the hospital and see people fighting to breathe , see how it affects people before it kills them . Thank you for sharing and for your hard work caring.

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