crime and vengeance by law enforcement which gives them unlimited time Letter to my son love mom full printing blanket to act illegally and with police misconduct with their code of silence maintain their criminality cause they are the police and get away with it.
Letter to my son love mom full printing blanket
with big time evil collaborative aid of Donald Rumsfeld; and then Obama increased the PATRIOT ACT thereby eroding democracy and privacy and literally taking out the Constitution Letter to my son love mom full printing blanket because both minus out the other. You cannot have the PATRIOT ACT with its unlimited rights to do anything and everything against the Constitution and our civil rights just by claiming that person is a terror threat (more than any terror threat are the police and FBI and DOJ and CIA to American society by the rights given to them by the PATRIOT ACT. Still I’m saying that as much as I broke away from that torture CIA Mind Control Program, those evil CIA Operatives and
participants continue their end by running that list of threats of which I mentioned; that viscious group will not stop. So as much as you reprogram your thoughts if you continue to receive a third party et al., abusive program running contradictory to your positive program, I am limited to a certain extent and thus I look forward to leaving the country as my best option. Incidentally, my vehicle was in an accident about a year later at which time the insurance company falsely claimed it was totaled but 2 repairman told me it was fixable. So, from 2016 to now 2019 almost 2020 I have been on the run because every new state I try to begin a new life that viscious USA Gov buckles down and with malice and hate as foremost the basis or root of Mind Control is a hate
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