honestly in a perfect world it would be ideal and I agree and believe the same but it isnt reality ) Love dog dachshund carbon pm 2.5 face mask all services are fundamentally a business that noone is entitled to for free.
Love dog dachshund carbon pm 2.5 face mask
Yes doctors provide a public service but you pay for the services. Noone is required to save your life. If there is a retired dr and you get hit by a bus he is not required to become involved and save your life. Love dog dachshund carbon pm 2.5 face mask And if it’s your fault for causing the car accident, then yes you should pay for it ( and you do ) insurance or not. If you’re pulled over, you pay for the ticket ( and through your taxes ) for that service of police, firefighters, schools and political representatives.
Pharmaceuticals are also a business. Countries with free universal healthcare also have the highest tax rates and can controll every aspect of your Medical care including the decision to end your life even if you protest. Freedome of choice and a free market in the u.s makes it possible for you to choose your life course and have lower taxes than those countries. Highest life expectancy does not equal highest quality of life or highest level of personal freedoms. Feelings and beliefs aside and presenting only facts ( because it is admiral that you believe in what you do,

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