It is not the presidency that is nasty. It is Trump who has always been the nastiest person Love is love lgbt flag bc in the nastiness department he is really a stable genius.
Love is love lgbt flag
I don’t like reporter play politic game and don’t care we like him are not reporter makes us to dislike because they doing this kind of behave probably something to make us come together in a situation like this. Love is love lgbt flag It’s always a nasty question when he doesn’t know how to answer it’s always a nasty question when a nasty question is asked Trump asked her to ask china, China!! So why she being butthurt? Is she from China? If she is then she should really ask his Chinese government these stupid questions… she asked him the question, he answered it…. of course she played the race card! How about a Nasty Trump. Remember the president is not an abstract empty position that justified everything. It is also a person or the simulacrum of a person like in this case with all his/her virtues or faults.
And in his case no virtues and all faults. Do not forget this is Trump. So his abominable inhuman traits are always present constantly, whether as president or not. Was he nasty before being president? Yes he was. And now he has amplified nastiness taking advantage of the presidency. You aren’t defending a president “per se”. You can defend the presidency without defending the person. Furthermore, it may be possible, and in fact it is now the case, that defending the presidency means criticizing and questioning the person who usurped it. Defending Trump is an attack on the presidency and viceversa. You are defending Trump the Nasty whose nastiness is one among many of his monstrosity traits. We need to differentiate the position from the person.
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