you don’t have a right to someone’s 8+ years of medial school, 2+ rotations through hospitals, Love sea turtle carbon pm 2.5 face mask and years of hard work and dedication. since you were an attorney, let me pose it to you this way:
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i havent walk unaided in 3 years. it began with an undiagnosed broken femur bone and escalated. a recent mri shows back problems probably causing nerve damage throughout my legs. Love sea turtle carbon pm 2.5 face mask i will never know because my u of m appointment was cancelled because my insurance wont cover it. so they get to decide if i ever walk or go back to work again? i pay for that???? remember justin amash voted yes every time to uninsure those with a preexisting medical condition. some of you idiots are missing the point.
it may not technically be a human right, but it should be available and affordable to everyone, regardless of financial status. it shouldn’t be for profit. or at least it shouldn’t be for becoming wealthy. you think doctors back in the old days made money off people? and they even use to make house calls. but everything these days is about making a big profit. it’s all about selfishness, greed, and gluttony. but oh that’s okay, it’s homosexuals that are committing the real sins, right? it’s all the gays’, mexicans’, and muslims’ fault. i’m sorry for what you went through, but you do not have a right to anyone else’s labor. that’s called slavery.

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