That is not insurance. You can’t go wreck your car without insurance coverage prior Love sewing carbon pm 2.5 face mask to the accident and say now insurance company I want you to cover my car. They would say, you know your car is wrecked, right.?!
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Healthcare being a right would require those giving it to be required to do their job regardless of pay or benefit therefore making doctors and nurses government slaves it is immoral to believe Healthcare is a right. Love sewing carbon pm 2.5 face mask This a very complex problem and not one that anyone has one clue about fixing, namely our government. The cost of healthcare in the United States is obscene. $100,000 for a cancer drug is disgusting. The money it costs for surgery,
ER services, hospital stays and so on and so forth is the problem. Many want to point the finger at insurance companies. Insurance companies are a for profit business. Think about how much health care costs and how that translates to how much insurance providers need to take in. Let’s think about health care as a human right through this prism. If I have a brain tumor and I have no insurance coverage it is my right to say to the insurance company that you must cover me because now I want insurance.

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