The cops didn’t barge in to interrupt her praying. Melting skull full printing shirt They were counseling her on a “disturbing the peace” complaint over her loud radio. She overreacted and fell to her knees praying. She interrupted them, not the other way around…like time-out,
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True, and good point, but also she states they never told her about why they were there in the first place. I enter homes often and I’m just a civilian, but I can imagine officers must assess who they are addressing and keep their personal comments or beliefs out of the visit. Melting skull full printing shirt For instance, I see baiting here by telling her the constitution and bill of rights were just pieces of paper,
because all Americans know they are not. Why even go there? They should have just stuck to their reason for their visit in the first place. A noice complaint about the radio. Yeah, there is more to this event. May God bless all Americans who choose to pray and worship/praise Him and may he guard and protect all American Police officers who are trying to do their best while on duty. It really did happen, but this is misleading.

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