And it will likely affect more then all the people that contract the virus. Mexican 4th of july american flag “why was creating a narrative that looked more like a race & less like genuine care/ concern for the American people.”
Mexican 4th of july american flag
Her point (as I took it) was why does combating the virus for American people need to be spun as some race against any other country. I think any of us would agree, whether we align with him politically or not. Mexican 4th of july american flag The question she posed was why was creating a narrative that looked more like a race & less like genuine care/concern for the American people. I think most everyone can agree it is a deadly virus. And that it is at a level to warrent a pandemic. But I’m becoming more and more worried that we might be jumping the gun in worrying about direct deaths from COVID-19 cases, and that we might be casusing a lot more unseen problems with the lockdown that we can’t even predict.
Problems like people not getting medical treatment and dying from things like heart attacks, cancer treatments being delayed ect, people trying to avoid hospitals and doctors with serious medical conditions that need attention often. I know if we’re at a point where our US supply chains are hurt for certain industries and essential items, that the rest of the world that rely on us for their imports will also face shortages which to them could easily lead to poverty and the crimes that come with that. Then we have the rates of suicides and suicidal depression cases rising, likely do to cause of job loss and a lack of a social web. There just seems to be a lot of unforseen affects that were obviously never intended or invisioned that effect more then probably just the US.
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