This wasn’t a convincing experiment. Minnesota wild lava skull full printing shirt The two situations with different because of the area’s were different. Those people had no compassion for the baby!
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The experiment would’ve been better if you had the rich dad dress up as a homeless person. Gotta do it with the same guy presented 2 different ways. Minnesota wild lava skull full printing shirt The first guy was in a different area and he explained that he forgot his wallet. The 2nd was in a totally different area and asked for help in a different way. You can’t compare the 2. Let me see the entire video. All of the turn downs from the first video and all of the people who helped from the 2nd video. I don’t believe this one bit. If I would see that guy with a doll in his arms asking for money , I would send him away too!! Many of the so called poor people choose to live like that!!!! Healthy people!!! So yes!!! Go work !!!!
If you were ‘’smart’’ enough to bring a child in your world , than take care of him!!! First thing I would do: Sterilization !!!! It would be a total reversed in South East Asia, people would donate to the man with his baby instead of the rich, instead they would act weird to the rich guy but I do believe they would still help him It is extremely sad. Sometimes (especially in South Africa) people use their babies as instruments to get money. I once gave someone money plus baby food, just to see him begging from someone else less than 5 minutes. BUT it’s clear people judge on the outside, because when he was dressed better, nobody questioned him. We must always remain sensitive and be careful to judge on outward experiences or even negative experiences.
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