You almost have to grieve the lost of that girl. It’s a natural feeling. Minnie and mickey candy cane christmas shirt Doesn’t mean you don’t love your child or accept them. But people need to give the parents time as well. It’s a whole different feeling and emotions that you have to work through. It’s not easy.
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Their main duty is to distort the truth of God and lead many astray… I pray the scales fall off our eyes and we will see lies for what it is. so many closed minds. some males are born way more feminine then others. some of their voices dont even drop. let people be who they want to be. allot of trans and gay people commit suicide over being disowned/not excepted. Minnie and mickey candy cane christmas shirt would you rather have a dead and or clinically depressed son then a happy daughter? why would anyone choose to be trans or gay!? they get judged, beat up, killed, made of fun.

its hell for them to be who they want to be. and it takes courage. and if you can’t see that then dont have children. you think they want this reaction after finally being themselves? It’s probably hard to explain when you’re going through it. But it’s almost like the lost of a child as you know them. For instance if you had a girl and you bring this little girl up, all the things you see who becoming as she is growing up. The things you can envision for her. Then one day she comes to you and says she wants to be a guy.
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