It was literally cheaper for the employers to cover the travel for the patient/hotel stay/secure Morehouse college football filter activated carbon face mask travel to n from the border/etc than it was for them to cover the cost, for the meds, in the US.
Morehouse college football filter activated carbon face mask
I’d really like to see people start comparing what medical professionals pay for education and what kind of income they receive once they are actually finished with school and employed. Morehouse college football filter activated carbon face mask There’s a lot to talk about with healthcare and some reform, but we are being given a very limited view of the whole picture here. Healthcare is a right, but what rights do medical professionals have? At what point are we infringing? I do believe we need some reform, but I don’t think it’s as simple as “free healthcare for all.” That opens up a whole new discussion of funding. It cost us a ton of money, but our son was very quickly diagnosed with autism and we almost immediately began early intervention. My cousin in Ontario had to wait a year for the initial consultation for her son’s learning development! that’s BS i’m australian. the private hospitals here often charge more for less.
it’s only when the private hospitals are competing with a public hospital nearby do they start becoming worth it. and even if what your saying is try it’s not an argument against a public medical system. you must live in a rural area because wait times are nine months to a year for developmental specialist where I’m from… Learning development is much different then developmental diagnosis. IEPs can take years to get here in the US. Some people have to hire lawyers just to get an IEP in place for their kids. that’s exactly true! All of what you said. Before I got laid off, my old work was insurance and a few of the plans added in a benefit that they will literally pay for the patient to be in a hotel, take em across the border to Mexico and they can get their meds there (with some additional steps in between/limit on what kinds of Rx’s/prescription needed from dr here/etc).
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