with the choices that his Son made. The truth should set you free. My God’s not dead he’s livin’ on the inside roaring like a lion 3d shirt If you weren’t soft I would not have easily got under your skin like that. You maybe physically strong & still be soft. You keepon being tuff. I Still maintain my position on this matter.
My God’s not dead he’s livin’ on the inside roaring like a lion 3d shirt
Nothing new, already being used in places where there are stream. These have been used ever since the inception of irrigation waters into arid lands. We used dams like this 65 years ago and my grandparents used them before my Dad used them. I’m a mother of a gay man and not only do I love him, I’m proud of him for being who he wants to be despite my feelings or beliefs, My God’s not dead he’s livin’ on the inside roaring like a lion 3d shirt or anyone else because I’m not him, I’m ME, and that’s all I can be peace love and light, and fuck whoever doesn’t like that. That’s what I learned from my Sun because it was not my intention to do so. & as a parent myself

I definently can understand the unconditional love that you have for your Child or children. However, with that being said, I still maintain my position on this matter. I’m not just purposely choosing the way I would feel that just what it is. I don’t know if I would learn to accept the facts over time, but as for now I think that’s how I would feel. Keep in mind this convo was about between a father & Son. Werher or not he should be ok with the choices or lifeatyle that his son made. We can all respectfully agree or disagree. At the end of the day the man have his right to disagree
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