media is more worried about their future of working for National hockey league boston bruins full printing face mask the money from those who seek to keep us divided. Chump thinks we’re gullible. The bill was going to pass with or without his signature.
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Praise what our President is doing good and condemn the bad. So give him credit for it. Thank you Mr President to standing up to China’s bully tactics! he should not be President, National hockey league boston bruins full printing face mask he doesn’t care or know consequences … plain moron Actually, China is the party that needs the deal. Whether or not a deal it matters not, USA requires China free economy to prosper. Trump doesn’t wanna be bribed with politics and fail human rights and freedom. Do you set politics higher than human rights CNN??? Americans still didn’t figured out that they are imploding and destroying their own country. US is losing power, influence, wealth and the most dangerous, losing its people unity.
But hey, it was predictable. Americans are not very smart. This news is the summary of the US. U guys like fighting for soo called human rights out of your country. We all know trump didn’t do it for the human rights. This was just another point to use as leverage in his trade war. And dont forget, u still do buisness with Saudi Arabia who is soo bad with any kinda rights and there are millions of blacks, members of the LGBTQ community asking for basic rights hipocracy at it’s best. U only know human rights when it doesn’t mean u sacrifice a dime to support. Wearer blinders.the man has no morals, is not making our country great, keep the blinder on All these comments are cherry picked by fb, they all come from the left the nutty left . They are few and far between now ,

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