You might say we are in a third world country but we do National hockey league detroit tigers full printing shirt really have a big heart to less fortunate may be there will a few people who will turn down to that guy but most often we extend our hand whatever we can.. That is a Filipino trait
National hockey league detroit tigers full printing shirt
But when you close your eyes to the need of the poor God will send a Ravenues Birds that will swallow your wealth. Money has wings and it can fly away. National hockey league detroit tigers full printing shirt But pray before you give because some beggers are enemies in disquide that swallow glory. 2 different areas of people. The nice dressed man was in a more affluent area asking for money. The more casual man was in a regular downtown area asking mostly black folk. It’s really nice, but this is actually made on purpose, homeless guy is not really is,, but message is valuable…
I assure you the homeless guy is indeed homeless (or at least was at the time this was filmed). He is an old friend of mine but I haven’t heard from him since around the time this was filmed. He is genuinely a good guy and has a great heart. He just got a little lost after his daughter passed. It just how we are brought up to look for our own kind it not about poor or rich if you do a reversal the poor will not help the rich person because we all have doubt and we tend to trust the one who we can relate to just my thoughts But to be fair, it was obvious that the baby was a doll. That’s probably why nobody helped. That is only in the country or other rich countries but if you try a social experiment here in the Phils.

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