The mention of that had nothing to do with Native american native pattern full printing shirt the supposed message. My generation first of all had nothing to do with that becoming what it was and still is even in your generation today .
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and the cheapest most abundant fuel we have. That’s one of my biggest issues with millennials:you will not open your mind to others ideas. You wrote this big long point that is based on your opinions not scientific facts. So maybe that’s why . But let’s keep talking we just have to hold the name calling and keep our cool. Lol the astronomical cost of healthcare? Native american native pattern full printing shirt Where do you think these costs come from? It comes from research and development, all the hoops
that have to be jumped through to get something on the market, people thinking healthcare is “a right” and not paying their bills, those costs have to be recovered somehow…they’re placed on the next person, the productive person instead of the lefty who wants everything for free It totally should have entered your mind , how could it not have? White lies… mentioning the race problems back in the day, when today’s racial hate is stronger than ever and from both sides.

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