they don’t have the cupboard space for the non perishables. New england patriots this is how save the world full printing face mask Most modern day kitchens have a fridge freezer combo and that’s it. To feed my family we needed a chest freezer just to be able to keep the amount of food we need for 2 weeks
New england patriots this is how save the world full printing face mask
fables to a fool like you. Many things in the Bible have been proven fact, even by science itself. Keep thinking you can save yourself and that this life is the only one you have, proof says otherwise. New england patriots this is how save the world full printing face mask I think the problem is a lot of people dying are in big families and they all live together but I think people are staying apart but certain people in everybody’s family will go out and do whatever and then come back home and infect the whole family no, lots people dying because Bank, grocery store, post office, factories and companies still open and hundreds of people working there how many time they keep in social distances? Wake up USA ! Some countries are all the way lockdown for 21 days no buses no trains nothing is open everybody staying in home can’t even go for walk and can’t get out , that’s real fighters except if we go into complete lock down more people will die. Most Americans don’t have the space to store enough food for their family to last a month. Maybe a week tops. Grocery stores are essential,
doctors offices are essential, postal services/delivery services are essential (for those completely quarantined and unable to go do their shopping themselves) law enforcement is essential, banks are essential, factories are essential. Without any of that we wouldn’t have food, health care, order, products like soap/toilet paper/masks/COVID tests, money to pay for these things. People would be dying in there homes or looting other people’s/businesses just to feed their families two weeks. Not one. The date on your milk. You CAN survive and stock canned food and frozen foods in your fridge. I AM an essential worker, but I think everyone needs to learn survival 101 all over again. govmt can make groceries buying timing like two or three hours a day with strictly social distances, but I don’t understand why they make factories and companies essential even hundreds of people working together, it more dangerous to spread , social distances doesn’t work and checking fever from door doesn’t work too ! That’s silly , fever thermometer is also from made in China, my family can afford to get and store 2 weeks of groceries but a lot of people can’t. They don’t have the freezer space to store enough meat to feed more than one person for 2 weeks,

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