Everyone has something beautiful about them, no matter what your skin colour. Oakland raiders football carbon pm 2,5 face mask Good job Mama for making her feel as beautiful as we all see her!
Oakland raiders football carbon pm 2,5 face mask
Very nice but kids should understand what beauty truly is. It’s not looking good having pretty teeth being accepted by others. Beauty truly comes from the heart! That is what makes you beautiful! Oakland raiders football carbon pm 2,5 face mask Nice video My 6 year old granddaughter came home from kindergarten saying the same thing. All the other girls were telling her she is ugly and had a weird name. I told her not to listen to them they were wrong. I hate to see any child be robbed of his/her self confidence or self worth. I think many of us have cried too when our children were made to feel less than. I love this Mom! Kids are so mean and this little girl is so blessed to have the best fan in her life her Mom who has her back! GO Mom, and sweet girl listen to your Mom you are amazing and beautiful!
When I was in school, light and bright was the “thing.” I was told many times that I was “pretty for a dark skinned girl.” UGGGHHH what does that even mean?!?!? Oh well. Over the years, I learned to love everything about myself!! And haters be damned! GB the both of you. I love the way you spoke to her very well said. she is beautiful such a cute face. every child is beautiful regardless their skin color or race. beauty is from within just like love God made us different hes a artist perfection everything he made is special n beautiful. please let her know that much love for her . may God guide n protect ur family may he shower you with many blessings. she gorgeous . this touch my heart This breaks my heart and also makes me feel so good at the end. For someone that young (or anyone for that matter) to feel that way when looking at themselves makes me want to cry.
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