after my eye surgeon recommended it. Perfect i found a love for me ed sheeran poster I paid less than $600.00 after my deductible. I would still be on a waiting list in Canada there doofus. However, the plan would cost far less
Perfect i found a love for me ed sheeran poster
lived under communism and socialism terrible under socialism if you don’t have private insurance they treat you like an invisible object and you wait and wait and perhaps after few weeks your number will be called and you spend hours and hours with a full room of patients Perfect i found a love for me ed sheeran poster till your number is called and perhaps you will be told to come tomorrow because they are closing the office- and
this is after you are sitting all day in the waiting room! this is socialism and their system – i know i experienced it!!! god bless america!!! why are people not leaving this country ??? i hope you need to receive surgery from a surgeon who’s out of your network even though the hospital is in network….and you better not fucking complain about the bill I bought the Overpriced silver plan there doofus. I just had eye surgery for a macular in August a week

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