By cheating the process you are treating others who have gone through the process and become Americans! Philadelphia eagles american flag full printing face mask Those who have done it the legal way are proud that they’ve done it the legal way. Maybe you should go back
Philadelphia eagles american flag full printing face mask
to act like you know it’s tough because unless you have been in their place you can’t say you know it’s tough. And dude you guys sure dislike Obama but always be talking about him Philadelphia eagles american flag full printing face mask and bringing him up so I think y’all might secretly like him and just don’t want to say it. And those hard long written laws we’re implemented by the white man to benefit the white man on stolen land. That they got by committing genocide. So these so called laws weren’t made by very moral people. Because when they said liberty and justice for all they didn’t mean all people they meant all white men.
So like I said before you don’t get it so don’t act like you do. As a 56 year old Black man (with a deep mixed background) – I’ve grownup. I am not and never will be a Liberal. I’m working on learning to forgive and forget (as the Bible tells us). I have friends of many if not all races and nationalities. I do not discriminate based on a persons race creed or color. No matter how silly, stupid, unnecessary and ridiculous a law is – breaking laws will never ever end well! There is a system in place for those who want to become Americans! If you think you are above the system, I don’t even want to start the system (no matter what the cost) – that gives me and other people including government officials the right to ask – “do you really want to become an American?”
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