You are FREE to not wear a seatbelt. Don’t get in a car. Pink donut all over printed face mask Some things are simple. Ridiculous! Ppl wear scarves in the winter, Nascar drivers wear balaclavas.
Pink donut all over printed face mask
Try running down the street naked! You’ll be arrested too, that’s literally taking your freedom away! True. Unlike not wearing a mask, it isn’t harming other people. Pink donut all over printed face mask I am so very glad that my vote was cast for Hillary… our country would be in a different place now I’m sure… stay safe and thank God for your leadership.. point out where Canadians are less free? That’s a ridiculous statement. Anna, trying to talk sense to these anti-mask people (republicans) is like trying to teach a pig to sing – it only frustrates you and irritates the pig. Let us keep wearing our masks and trying to keep everyone safe. so I guess surgeons shouldn’t wear masks when they operate on people.
We can’t have them breathing in all that crap and having a reduced oxygen intake while operating on someone’s brain or lungs or liver. Let’s tell them to stop wearing them, never mind the operating room nurses etc. don’t wear one then, but don’t try to convince me that it doesn’t help. if wearing a mask is so bad for you I’m quite surprised doctors are not dying by the hour. Or ppl who ride snowmobiles…. or workers who need a mask. Gasp. really? Then try NOT wearing one in Texas. You’ll be fined. Try not wearing one in Chicago. You’ll be fined and face the possibility of jail. That’s the very definition of giving up your freedom. This is the very definition/ thinking of ppl who didn’t care enough to try. NOW it is mandatory to wear masks in some places. You are FREE to not wear a mask. Stay home.
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