Just be honest and professional when you are stopped by a police officer! Pink floyd the dark side of the moon rick and morty jigsaw puzzle That’s it, Police are well trained how to react, the moment you start to talk
Pink floyd the dark side of the moon rick and morty jigsaw puzzle
your tax dollars pay them they are on different levels they took an oath to protect and serve so they have to live up to that otherwise they wouldn’t be honoring their uniforms and their oath to protect and serve and to respect your 5th amendment rights silly cops who don’t these laws will break with brute force and ignorance. Pink floyd the dark side of the moon rick and morty jigsaw puzzle bullshit all this filming is a little bit over the top. Should move on if there not part of the solution. If I ever need someone to come over hours after a crime was committed and scratch their heads, take notes, and do little else, I’ll make sure to remember that. If I need someone or something to save my life in the case of oh… a criminal attacking me, I’ll use my 2nd amendment rights.
Recent court cases have shown that cops are not obligated to “protect and serve” as their slogan states. It is, and always has been, the individual responsibility of each person to attend to their safety and well-being. but the cops get paid by taxpayers money to protect and serve they are supposed to help him next time you’re stop by a cop say that to him exactly. See how he or she responds. what a stupid comparison.. police are PAID to help the people,not just eating donut the number one problem with police besides their training is that they uphold the unconstitutional laws and ordinances that politicians put in place to collect revenue. All of politicians unconstitutional laws and ordinances would have no teeth/ control over the people if it wasn’t initiated by the law enforcers.

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