Looking back at my high school friend, I still haven’t been able to recognize Pitbull collection carbon pm 2.5 face mask any traits of autism that she might’ve shown. Since watching this video, I feel so enlightened to what she must be feeling in her head as a female with autism.
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masking traits is someone with Autism trying to act like they are neurotypical. It is usually done by those who have less severe traits and they are able to “blend in” better even if it feels weird/unnatural to the person. Pitbull collection carbon pm 2.5 face mask Masking is generally why girls/women are diagnosed later in life The older you get the more you can recognize when you are masking. It’s not always a conscious thing, but it can be. It uses up a lot of energy so typically the more you mask the more meltdowns you tend to have, at least in my experience. I’ve been constructing a personality for as far back as I can remember.
Everything from how I walk, speak, to hand movement. I’ve force myself to make eye contact until I feel over on over load and have to look away. Never knew it ment anything Super informative. Had a friend in high school a few years younger than me that I never knew had autism. One day a couple years after I had graduated, she messaged me in reference to a post I had made supporting people with autism. She ended up telling me that she has autism. Fast forward a bit, I have been a preschool teacher for nearly five years and spent most four out of the five working in an early intervention center where most of my children had autism. (I worked in different age groups from 1-12).

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