of bs to the electorate, along with anti gay facebook posts and raccoon and sunflower poster Christian tropes which is thinly veiled white supremacist dog whistles…. they failed.
raccoon and sunflower poster
yes indeed, many people in the US feel offended when they hear you speak a language other than English, yet when you travel to Europe the welcome raccoon and sunflower poster you notice everyone speaks more 2 languages and is encouraged to speak as many languages as you can. even in Uk they may as we say speak English but all have different accents.even i at times cannot understand the different dialects we don’t rant we ask can you repeat that a bit slower but it’s English Scots their dialect different welsh and Irish I wish I spoke more than one language I’d for sure be going places and speaking it. I have total respect for people who can speak other languages I totally agree.
my nephew did not know WHAT IS THE EQUATOR? And He had finished High school.. in Sacramento yes there are 5 languages in Spain . My father’s last name is from Galicia a region in Northwestern Spain that is not Spanish it was taken over by Spain it’s one of the five languages as well This old lady doesn’t have a clue what’s she’s arguing about, she said she’s been to Spain but I’m sure Spaniards didn’t ask her ass to speak their language …she has no clue what’s she even arguing People get locked into a train of thought due to a preconceived bias. Here in Canada the virus is trying to spread in web sites that promote an anti immigrant agenda by portraying Old Stock Canadians, which is people that have been here for generations, which makes them somehow better than new Canadians. The previous federal government tried to promote this line
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