the er will cover my end of life care when i succumb to the disease and Retro cat carbon pm 2.5 face mask then everybody with insurance would help pay for my care with increased premiums on their health insurance.
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Religious hospitals like Mercy did have a fund for the poor .i don’t know if still do.It use to be 3 day papers for uninsured at state hospitals, that was funded through state not federal funds. Is no limit now. healthcare is a service, Retro cat carbon pm 2.5 face mask not a “right”. no one deserves to exploit someone’s service for free- if that were the case than everything would be a human right. is it a “human right” to stroll into an expensive store and take other’s handmade jewelry because you deserve it?
is it a right to steal food someone else grew, harvested and got to market??? stop calling everything a “right”- sometimes it’s just a privelage. that comment has just enough truth to prevent it from being a dam lie but it is very deceptive. er care covers emergencies. i have kidney disease that requires regular maintenance care and that is not covered at the er and there are millions more similar to my situation but with the same and different diseases.

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