Learning them from someone who has them for you is key and ensures good stewardship towards others. Retro sloth carbon pm 2.5 face mask Life as a communicable organism iisn’t about self it’s about selflessness. That is what is and always has been wrong with us all.
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and your reason why all those real love stories lasted was because of those negative things you said. You remember how society was back then? Media? It was all love geared and based. How is it now? Retro sloth carbon pm 2.5 face mask Slut and the City? From music to media it all promotes fake love and lust. I knew someone with your same negative train of thought. You went through some bad times don’t let that negative belief poison your mind because that is what Is spreading around and make people give up.
Keep believing and I’m sure you’ll find real love and someone “old fashioned” minus the negativity you spoke of. That will never cheat or lay a hand on you. Who will genuinely love you and put in 100% effort to work things out not bounce like how these fakes are now. They only around to use you for the moment? Temporary comfort. I agree with what most of what you said but love respect forgiveness shame guilt mercy empathy are all emotions that aren’t for you. They’re for others. They’re there to protect everyone else from your bad behavior thatd also hardwired into the human psyche.

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