i think it’s stupid that the lgbtq community wants everyone to speak like them, Rick and morty happy human holiday ugly christmas sweater and act like them grow up none of my gay, bi, or trans friends act anything like these cry babies on this comment the comments in here are so shit. strong made a perfectly nice comment
Rick and morty happy human holiday ugly christmas sweater
and all you lot who have to be seen to be the most pc on facebook jump all over it. just enjoy the video for what it is and climb out of your arses. this thread is crazy lol. Pretty sad that people feel the need to interject their personal feelings into other folks lives as if they hold the morality key. It’s pretty clear in this instance he was simply making a nice comment about the children Rick and morty happy human holiday ugly christmas sweater and how they have been raised. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with how he stated it either. I’m all for inclusion. I also believe you should be who you wanna be and shouldn’t have to worry about other people’s feeling towards that.

I’m not, however, for this nonsense where people like to see the worst in every little thing they can in an attempt to push their feelings on other folks. Stop it. It’s sad. saying anything in response kinda shows you care lol you just wanna say something just like they did you didn’t have to say anything to what they said, they have the right to say it lool wasn’t harming anyone but you’re being kind of fucking rude. Your attitude is the only ugly thing I see here but please.. tell me how I’m wrong and that some people don’t deserve as much freedom of speech as you.
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