Good sugestion yours of a commite if I asked why did you stop me Rooster vincent van gogh starry night jigsaw puzzle I would get lied on beaten up and I would had a gun in my possession Idk about don’t worry no cops will
Rooster vincent van gogh starry night jigsaw puzzle
This is how bullshit stacks up against the innocent even though priors are not supposed to be used against you in future encounters with police. It snowballed so bad Rooster vincent van gogh starry night jigsaw puzzle I had to leave the country of my birth and lost everything I had to those dogs. I mean you could say that but the officers in this video seem like they just wanna ask some questions. Everyone throws shade at the police but who you calling when, a loved one gets assaulted /goes missing/ robbed/ scammed. Don’t let the few ruin your opinion on the majority. If you have other issues you can apply that to them. I know I have a warrant in Georgia I couldn’t go to court and have a fair trial I didn’t use my lawyers
I had seven different ones none of them want to defend me they took my money last one was $7,500 he tried to get me into court without filing any complaints I filed all my complaints in Superior Court the changing of the court documents manipulating police evidence falsifying evidence bro my lawyer wouldn’t represent me on ‘ethics’ when I was charged with possession of a dangerous substance after an illegal search of my apartment – fishing expedition after an illegal strip search. The lab results came back as regular sugar. And at the end I was just supposed to be glad to not have gone to jail that and they do all this while we pay their salaries. Is a doble slap in the face and they enjoy it to the fullest.

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