NY has a lone way to go before they meet the guild lines to open back up. Satanic satan filter activated carbon face mask Some people who are in abuse situations wish they were dead.
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Statistics say 98% of people that get it recover. Is the “we “ going to pay your bills! People are going hungry! Domestic violence sometime equals death! Just like a sometimes the virus equals death. Satanic satan filter activated carbon face mask Since when do “we” be some murders because we don’t believe all the information that is being given to us! We are not murders, we are dealing with a contagious disease that’s the enemy! Not people! The death rate is lower than predicted. But the bigger fight will be to protect people from the devastation of a depression! We will have to face flu and cold season every year, sometimes it’s really bad sometimes it’s mild. Another point if I
This state had the most deaths from covid-19 because he did not act in a timely fashion he did not take this seriously enough Florida what’s the population very high we had much less deaths H1 N1 killed a lot more people in other states than the coronavirus did but his state it was all about the Coronavirus Also, the people that are dying are the people who are poor, the people who are REALLY suffering the effects of this virus, but you don’t see them protesting because they know it’s a GD PANDEMIC. Even if we agree that we need the government to mandate restrictions, you can’t deny that he sidestepped her questions and just tried to browbeat her. This did not look like a win for him. He’s not my Governor but I think he’s doing a great job. Come on people out of all 50 states NY has been hit the hardest. He’s had the hardest job of all.
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