leader and give us some relief from their constant BS, and could they take the orange thing with them? Satanic symbols filter activated carbon face mask Bye and good riddance!! Wouldn’t you think we would care more in upstate for NYC if we actually got treated right
Satanic symbols filter activated carbon face mask
Economic hardship can mean death for many people. Being “locked in a house” and secluded can mean death for some people. And it just makes me laugh that his response was, Satanic symbols filter activated carbon face mask “go get an essential job then”. Why? That’s not staying home and stopping th spread. If everyone who needed a job right now “went out” and got an “essential” job, it would be just as many people out and about as before. It’s just contradictory. Might not be death to him. His rich and doesn’t need to worry. But those who are facing or struggling is already death to them. Sometimes this governor makes no sense. Why should he care.He has a enough money,power,possession.
No care in the world for him. Amen! I am not even in America, but I felt NY is bless to have him as their Governor. Any recession , unemployment, inflation blah blah…we can go through it ,though difficult but DEATH is period. Cuomo for the next President… Come on, I understand people want to get to their normal lives, but this evil virus is invisible, they can’t get it, step on it, and it’s gone. Stop stressing Cuomo out, he can get it also and die. It seems that these fools are so much in love with King Donnie the Yellow Streak, that they will fall for his lies much like the fools that followed a certain self described messiah to their deaths from poison in a time not so long ago! How many of them would simply be willing to jump off a bridge for their

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