No the mother shpulnt of move table you seriously thibk id let someone think they can do what ever they want. The women should of left the first time being told to leave. Save lives pharmacy tech 2020 quarantine shirt i would ask you to leave if you sit in my table and refuse to leave when I ask you nicely and then starting to talk to my baby and still refusing to leave…
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Nobody should just walk up to a strangers child and touch them or try to tell the parent what to do. Only reason anyone should get involved is if they saw a child getting hurt by a parent. Save lives pharmacy tech 2020 quarantine shirt I don’t go round joining people while they are eating a meal and telling them how to behave because it’s rude and unsettling! I certainly do understand that parents are more wary of strangers now-a-days and rightfully so.

And yes people often stick their noses in where its not wanted. All Im saying is that its a shame and sad that we have become so fearful. And Liyah’Labelle Morrison Im definitely not dumb! As much as you want to believes people are kind i woulnt trust anyone. Maybe someone complementing how cute your child is and saying hi real quick but sitting down not asking and just invading that space the amount of fear building up and mama bear mode switches on.
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