They locked down, their people listen as supported to what the government wanted do , School bus driver flag and they succeeded with keep the infections and deaths low.
School bus driver flag
kept them in so long to gain the greed and power our founding fathers warned us they’d do, good lord man educate yourself, power to the people, School bus driver flag The US is far larger with a larger population so of course the numbers are higher . The death rate is extremely as a percentage Compare the amount of deaths and suffering without corona virus on the presidential office of Obama vs Trump WITHOUT Corona Virus. You’ll be surprised! Probably you should see the spread in other countries is down but not in America. It’s because lockdown works. That’s what China did , so did many other countries. Look at Taiwan . They did contact tracing and they didn’t have to lockdown. But that wouldn’t work in America. please dude you must be working for the narrative cause I haven’t seen a dead body yet
We have more deaths because we have more people. Maybe you can do a better job. Stop being so damn negative Because China are distorting the number of their fatalities, while the media is overhyping US casualties. buddy if only trump took it seriously when he was told to?! Seriously?! Everything Chealsy is saying is FACT! China held the information for 3 months! Not telling anyone about it! This whole thing is China’s fault. You talk about taking action sooner? Trump did it first! Where I live Mr. Trudeau took fucking forever to do anything. he said it’s a hoax, he said it’s like a common flu , he said it will go away . America and Korea had their first infections reported on the same day. Where is America compare to Korea?
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