as you see in her testimony here, or may not even be fertile, so it is not likely they would pass this down. Seattle seahawks logo filter activated carbon face mask Vaccines can cause severe brain swelling and can lead to permanent damage as well. Birth injuries, too, are not uncommon.
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I think that you were WAY to hard in Jill Banks Geraci!!! I am a CNA that takes care of a wide range of clients in their homes (from elderly to disabled to severely brain damanged…etc). I often refer to diseases as “awful”….because you know what? They are are! The person afflicted is not “awful”, but the diseases and disabilities are! Seattle seahawks logo filter activated carbon face mask Alzheimers and dimentia are “awful”, robbing once vibrant people of their minds. Parkinson’s disease is “awful”, causing once active healthy people to have no control over their body, couple that with dementia and it IS truly “awful”! I once had a client who, because her mother contracted measles while she was pregnant, was severely brain damaged,
had many physical deformities (including no eyeballs), and a huge array of health issues…she was a delightful lady (50 years old when I started caring for her), but all of her afflictions and all that she had to endure from the moment she was born, was truly “awful”. Again, nobody is saying that the people dealing with these conditions are bad in any way, but its rediculous to say that these conditions are not “awful”. I believe that you owe Jill an apology for jumping all over her! Are you sure it’s genetic? It could be a birth or in- utero injury. Ultrasound scans break and mutate DNA, especially doppler and 3d. Often with this condition they do not form sexual liasons,

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