He is a pathetic person who believes government should take care of us and control us. Seniors 2020 quarantined face mask I am glad she has recognized it is not government’s job to protect us against ourselves. Government’s job is to protect our rights.
Seniors 2020 quarantined face mask
no, I don’t think you get it. She is saying adults can figure it out. It is up to them to be accountable and responsible for their actions. Do you need government to hold your hand, tell you what and how to act? Seniors 2020 quarantined face mask You don’t have a mind of your own and know how to be responsible for your own health and your own actions? You have to be kidding. If you are sick or afraid, then stay home. Life is a risk. Each and everyday there is an endless list of risks for leaving your house – ways that you could die – so if you choose to stay home afraid one of those ways will kill you if you leave your house – then stay safe and stay home and live in fear.
Neither you nor the government (a mayor, a judge, a commissioner, a governor) has authority to shut down another’s business or mandate another cannot travel because of a chance they might get sick. They can warn you and inform you, but as a sovereign citizen of this Constitutional Republic, we are not bound to obey such unconstitutional edicts. The Constitution doesn’t get suspended in an emergency. Before you so easily give up your rights, perhaps you ought to read the founding documents and review why the Revolutionary War was fought. so what? She isn’t contradicting herself. She repeats and each time Anderson is trying to get her to say something he can attack.
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