they tried jail and special plates that did not work, Skull alabama crimson tide football full printing face mask people drink and yes people drive drunk because they believe they are ok. If I have to ask myself then that is a clue i am not.
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We need to bring back education the way it was in the 50s 60s 70s. We had career training, home economic, basic child care skills ect. My daughter learned auto mechanic, Skull alabama crimson tide football full printing face mask balance a check book and my boys wood work, engineering etc. So many skills in our corricum to prepare for jobs. Yes, if we didn’t go to war we went to work, because we were prepared! These are my experiences from attending public schools in the South Bronx. Not much funding yet we got it done. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. we should send this same prayer to American homeless Americans SHOULDNT be homeless. If this trump economy we’re benefiting everyone we wouldn’t need housing assistance snap or Medicaid
All being denied because everyone isn’t any better under the trump economy. People are working 70 hrs a week and are still homeless I’m so tired of hearing “ sending prayers” for ppl dying and suffering untreated pain victims of mass shootings homeless. We need real assistance not cutting the little of benefits. That were normal under past presidents Chris, it is possible to pray for more than one cause. Are you saying they don’t deserve prayers? Look at how tragic this. Breaking up the human family is inhumane! He should have thought about the consequences before acting like a criminal. What if he killed someone while drinking and driving really going to the drinking part. think on this more people are killed in drinking related accidents by white men than any other race. they tried prohibition that did not work,

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