what I mean. I’m glad you got the support you Skull black sabbath full printing shirt needed to get through your divorce. Unfortunately most men and women back then didn’t and that’s the truth. I’m not a feminist,
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I never said all men were abusive and cheaters. “I’m sorry you had a hard time”….You don’t know me, why assume that only people that have had a hard time can think and feel a certain way? I never said I was speaking on everyone’s behalf, if so you can quote me. I think some people should take their own advice Skull black sabbath full printing shirt before telling others to not assume things. If you read my comment careful you would know I wasn’t referring to the video
implying anything of what you just said. I know women cheat and abuse as well, I’m not ignorant but I should’ve added “men and women” because it’s not a one side thing. My comment wasn’t to trash talk men….I’m not in need to win an argument so there’s nothing that needs to go out a window but since you need a “win”…. Here you go it’s great your grandparents had a good marriage. And you divorcing your husband because he didn’t view you as his partner is exactly

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