and not take care of us at all. Skull crown royal full printing shirt That is why it is called Totalitarianism. It starts with an idealized idea of socialism. you people that are stuck on communistic socialism can’t get it in your head that democratic socialism is not the same
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Unless someone knows a poor person job employs others to work for him. I’m not even close to be rich but I have worked for the very rich and have always been grateful that those people made it big and because of them my husband and I have a good job. That billionaire Skull crown royal full printing shirt with 5 houses paid money for those houses to be built which provided jobs to lots of people. They filled that house with things
which were also made and retailed providing work for people. The billionaire is part of a massive business operation that employs lots of people who willingly chose to work for them. I know you don’t understand why they need 5 houses when children are starving, but the money they pump into the economy is how other children are fed and have a roof over their head. How long do you think a government in total control would care about the people they would not represent. They would control us

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