it doesn’t have the capacity for them; Skull jack daniel’s tennessee fire full printing shirt it was acting on survival instinct by attacking what had attacked it. Had it not been an inanimate object, it would have recoiled and the snake would have gotten away.
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if the people around u or the people u love they dont give any problem everyday i think no person get angry…because no body i think want to angry all the time all we want is happiness. But because of the person around us who give way that we get angry This is a terrible story. Skull jack daniel’s tennessee fire full printing shirt Your giving too many human emotions to a snake. The axe hurt the snake, it didn’t attack the axe out of anger, it attacked probably out of fear of threat.
Then continued to attack as a flight or fight response to the pain it ended up inflicting upon itself until its ultimate demise. While I agree anger usually get you nothing, a better story could have been chosen. Don’t compare humans to animals with little to no cognitive functioning. The snake acted on instinct, not because it realized it was being hurt. Two different parts of the brain. The part capable of self reflection, the snake does not have. This story is BS, the snake is not acting out of anger and arrogance,

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