just let it go,God sees and knows everything, Skull jim beam all over print shirt vengeance is not yours, leave it to GOD It depends upon the situation y the person angry.. The story open my mind especially everyday i encounter a problem…
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A bodyguard guarding his men, a soldier in a battlefield fighting his enemy without any anger rather smiling and fighting. Does that makes any sense without any anger. And there’s many more aspects of life where you have to use your anger. Where there’s day light there’s dark night too. Skull jim beam all over print shirt i don’t know abt. others but i love my anger, my rage. Great metaphor behind this but l wouldn’t be using a snake to get the message across..
as humans are the most self destructive species on the planet l would be using a human example..mankind is not even in the same league as the innocent mindset of an animal There are those you helped,like the saying “feeding them in your hands”, but at the end of the day,you are the one who is evil in his/her eyes, and even to the point that made you look bad in the eyes of others by them twisting stories,

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