And what about when the doctor says you need surgery and there are no available surgeons until next month. Sloth society carbon pm 2.5 face mask You might just die before you are able to have the surgery to save your life.
Sloth society carbon pm 2.5 face mask
That is kind of the same thing isn’t it? If we are to subscribe to healthcare as a right that eliminates insurance. With health care costs astronomically high it is not possible to cover 350 million people Sloth society carbon pm 2.5 face mask for any health care need they would ever need in their life times. There aren’t enough rich people and corporations to tax. If we say US government you are now the insurance company. What does that look like? If Medicare/ Medicaid and the VA are any indication, that looks like a complete mess.
How many people honestly believe that if the Government had control that the cost of health care would go down? How many believe that the quality of health care and availability of doctors and hospitals would not diminish greatly. How many times do you think you would hear from the Government, sorry but we can’t cover that. You’re over 65 and a hip replacement surgery for you just doesn’t pencil. Sorry, you’re 80, you can’t have that surgery. Too risky and if you do manage to live through it it really isn’t worth it to the tax payers.

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