This is simply an awesome Dad daughter moment caught on film. Steven universe the movie christmas 3d ugly sweater that was the first thing that I thought of, lol! I’m a dance mom and I used to have to learn my daughter’s choreography to rehearse with her. He’s been doing her routines with her at home yes she was, that’s normal for show with children this young.
Steven universe the movie christmas 3d ugly sweater
because he helped his daughter with what some MEN wouldn’t even do!? A lot of you women are sad . And it shows . It’s women like you that seem to get jealous of babies that are daddies girls and want all the attention . That’s not cool. He also came to nearly every dance class and watched through the window so he did know alot of the steps! Disclaimer: Steven universe the movie christmas 3d ugly sweater I teach at the dance school and was actually present for this beautiful moment. this has gotten millions of views and a large majority of positive responses.

if anything her crying may have been an even bigger distraction and gotten the others off their routine as the teacher would’ve had to devote her attention to her. I definitely did. I did think there was a little bit of that too haha, he did do a nice thing for his girl and that but he also seemed to enjoy it a bit to much. I think he even pushed the dance instructor out a few times the problem with your opinion is that you stated that the dad was looking for his 5 minutes of fame, and your child and all the other children will surely survive such a traumatic event that is a man trying to help his daughter. But you may need some therapy, and to stop using your child to get what you want. Attention seeking twerp.
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